Resize iFrame Content Automatically

I recently had a need to re-size the content of iFrames for a site that uses iFrame for various reasons. 

This is not an original work but a collection of demos and sample code.

1. jQuery Sample: Jscheuer1 at Dynamic Drive has the most usable example (IMO).  Use the links below for the online demo and to download the code.
2. iFrame content on other domains: In order to re-size iFrames the iFrame content page you are rending needs to be on the same domain, or you have to have some control over the page that contains the iFrame content.  In the case where the page is not on the same domain, but you own the code this link at CSS-TRICKS goes into how to set this up. 

Sort Page List by Title

Here is a code snippet to sort page list.
You want to modify the following C# file: BlogEngine\BlogEngine.NET\AppCode\Controls\PageList.cs
LINQ used to sort the pages and changed the Foreach loop to use the LINQ query.
private static HtmlGenericControl BindPages()
    var ul = new HtmlGenericControl("ul") { ID = "pagelist" };
    ul.Attributes.Add("class", "pagelist");

    //Sort pages
    var MyPages = BlogEngine.Core.Page.Pages.AsEnumerable()
        .OrderBy(x=> x.Title);
    //foreach (var page in BlogEngine.Core.Page.Pages.Where(page => page.ShowInList && page.IsVisibleToPublic ))
    foreach (var page in MyPages.Where(page => page.ShowInList && page.IsVisibleToPublic))
        var li = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
        var href = page.RelativeLink;
        if (BlogSettings.Instance.RemoveExtensionsFromUrls && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BlogConfig.FileExtension))
            href = href.Replace(BlogConfig.FileExtension, "");
        var anc = new HtmlAnchor { HRef = href, InnerHtml = page.Title, Title = page.Description };

    return ul;

Sort Link List by Title

Here is a code snippet to sort link list.

You want to modify the following C# file: BlogEngine\BlogEngine.NET\Custom\Widgets\LinkList\widget.ascx.cs

Listed below is the original code from the method:  LoadWidget()
//Orginal code
foreach (XmlNode node in links)
    var a = new HtmlAnchor();

    if (node.Attributes != null)
        if (node.Attributes["url"] != null)
            a.HRef = node.Attributes["url"].InnerText;

        if (node.Attributes["title"] != null)
            a.InnerText = node.Attributes["title"].InnerText;

        if (node.Attributes["newwindow"] != null &&
            node.Attributes["newwindow"].InnerText.Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            a.Target = "_blank";

    var li = new HtmlGenericControl("li");

Replace the code above with the following: 

The updated code starts at...
//1. Put links in a table, the sort and process
public override void LoadWidget()
    var settings = this.GetSettings();
    var doc = new XmlDocument();

    if (settings["content"] != null)
        doc.InnerXml = settings["content"];

    var links = doc.SelectNodes("//link");

    if (links == null)

    if (links.Count == 0)
        this.ulLinks.Visible = false;
        //1. Put links in a table, the sort and process
        DataTable DtLinks = new System.Data.DataTable();
        DtLinks.Columns.Add("URL", typeof(String));
        DtLinks.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(String));
        DtLinks.Columns.Add("Target", typeof(String));

        //2. Add to table
        DataRow dr = DtLinks.NewRow();

        foreach (XmlNode node in links)
            if (node.Attributes != null)
                //Create Row and Default Values
                dr = DtLinks.NewRow();
                dr["URL"] = string.Empty;
                dr["Title"] = string.Empty;
                dr["Target"] = string.Empty;

                if (node.Attributes["url"] != null)
                    dr["URL"] = node.Attributes["url"].InnerText.ToString();

                if (node.Attributes["title"] != null)
                    dr["Title"] = node.Attributes["title"].InnerText.ToString();

                if (node.Attributes["newwindow"] != null &&
                    node.Attributes["newwindow"].InnerText.Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    dr["Target"] = "_blank";



       // 3. Loop through table and add to list item.
       DataView View = DtLinks.DefaultView;
       View.Sort = "Title";

       foreach (DataRowView row in View)
           var a = new HtmlAnchor();
           a.HRef = row["URL"].ToString();
           a.InnerText = row["Title"].ToString();

           if (row["Target"].ToString() != string.Empty) a.Target = row["Target"].ToString();

           var li = new HtmlGenericControl("li");