Dapper ORM .NET Quick Start

I have been using NHibernate for large corporate projects for a while now, but wanted to leverage a lighter ORM for some personal projects.  I did not want the overhead of configuring NHibernate and wanted something "lighter".

I have heard many developers discuss Dapper. I was interested in looking into it, but I do not like InLine SQL. I would rather use LINQ. On GitHub there is a package called SQLinq for Dapper!

The screen shots below (and ZIP file Download) shows using Dapper with Inline SQL and LINQ over a SQL Server Northwind Database. This project is a console app built in Visual Studio 2015.

If you decided to use this sample project you will need to update your connection string. (To keep this simple I am not documenting the connection method here)

1. Create a Customer Entity

2. Dapper Inline SQL Example

3. Dapper LINQ Sample

4. Console App Results

 Download DapperSample.zip C# Console App Source

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