PostgreSQL .NET Core Entity Framework Example

While working on planning for a new application I decided to look at PostgreSQL vs. SQL Server Express. What drove my decision is the limitations on database size for SQL Server Express. I wanted to stick with Entity Framework as well and decided to go with PostgreSQL after looking at alternatives. I was very impressed with all the features of PostgreSQL and that the PostgreSQL team has a .NET Core Entity Framework provider.

Typically I create a sample console app when working with technology I have not used before (in this case PostgreSQL) so that I have a working example I can refer too and share.  I posted a full working copy of this console app on my GitHub at this link

The sample project (using .NET Core Entity Framework) will truncate a table in PostgreSQL then load a set of Cryptocurrency symbols and query that data with LINQ. 

Sample Screen Shot:

The project takes the approach of a typical setup of Dependency Injection of the service classes required to load and query the data. 

The GitHub project at this link has the steps on what is required to setup this code and run it. 

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